Other Organisations

On the page about Power, it says ‘The main problem we have is that much, much more solar and wind power is needed to have enough electric power for heat pumps to replace gas boilers’.

If you look at https://www.energydashboard.co.uk/fourtyeight often half of the nation’s 40 gig watts of electric power is still from gas generators. So, we are a long way off having surplus renewable electricity including for transport.

Car Electric Vehicles

Wind and Solar generation costs have dropped dramatically in the past 15 years.

So has the cost of batteries for Electric Vehicles. By 98% in the past 30 years.

See https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/03/31/lithium-battery-costs-have-fallen-by-98-in-three-decades

Toyota for example have been producing Hybrid vehicles where electricity is put into a small nickel-metal hydride battery when the vehicle slows down, rather than the energy being wasted on heat in the braking system. The vehicle is powered by a normal engine but that is used to generate electricity and the vehicle is powered by an electric motor. So, the engine often switches off in slow moving traffic with the vehicle powered by the electric motor thus reducing pollution in that traffic.

The first Toyota Hybrid was launched in 1997. For an extended history of Toyota Hybrids see https://mag.toyota.co.uk/history-toyota-prius/

There has been a large increase in the buying of full electric vehicles as the price of lithium-ion has dropped in price. However, there are concerns about the environmental impact on these batteries plus what is known as range anxiety where it may be difficult to find a charging point on a long journey.

Not many people often do long distances in their car. I have a Toyota Hybrid Auris and I would like it to be a plug in Hybrid with a larger battery to travel locally say 30 miles.

I believe the emphasis should be on plug in Hybrids rather than full electric doing 200 miles and having an expensive large battery that is rarely used for this distance.

(ADDED 24-05-22 https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/electric-vehicles/ )

Heavy Transport

I suggest batteries are not the future for large vehicles. See this article about the Chairman of JCB diggers using Green Hydrogen https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/billions-go-on-schemes-that-barely-make-a-difference-writes-jcb-boss/ar-AAQfuwE?ocid=msedgntp

There is a large amount of research around the world about efficiently splitting water to create Hydrogen as a power source for vehicles, heating and steel making etc.